
Debris After The FireThe surveyor from Capital Services Ltd did not included the full debris removal in the schedule of works during his visit to my property on the 07th December 2012.

The schedule of works that was sent to me on the 21st January 2014 did not include the removal of the building burned debris in the front of the building on the communal areas as well as in the patio of my neighbours.

The insurance statement from Zurich Insurance Plc for my property states:

The insurance includes:
o professional fees necessarily incurred in reinstating insured damage.
o debris removal, demolition, shoring up costs following insured damage.
o the additional cost of reinstating insured damage incurred in complying with public authority requirements.

The Estate officer at the time, Ms Lena Nzenwa, had requested from me to remove the debris outside the building while Capital Services Ltd had asked me to do the same for the debris inside my property.

In the end myself and my flatmates removed most of the debris. The result was breathing related health problems that have been treated with asthma inhalers and huge amount of stress.

burning windowCapital Services Ltd, GAB Robins Ltd and the Zurich Insurance Plc have refused to accept that it was their responsibility to remove the debris since my policy has an additional cover for debris removal. Policy Statement can be found here.

The Zurich Insurance claims that the debris was not part of the building and therefore part of the claim.

However this is not true because the burnt window on the neighbours patio is clearly part of the building. That is the reason for which they have replaced all of the windows.

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