Category Archives: Accomodation
Accommodation Renewal
The insurance via the Loss Adjust has renewed the hotel accommodation today. The new reservation is until the 23rd April 2014.
Concrete Damages
At 11:37 I received a phone call from Mr Adrian M., Loss Adjuster from GAB Robins Ltd. He mentioned that he has already extended the hotel accommodation and that the expenses will be hopefully reach my account in a day … Continue reading
Emails to Zurich & Council
At 09:05 I sent an email to Mr Gary D. from Zurich Insurance Plc regarding the bad works on my flat. At 09:10 I sent an email to Camden Council with the same subject as above. At 09:22 I received an email … Continue reading
More Arguments
At 08:11 I sent an email to Mr Adrian M. about the accommodation extension as well as the expenses. This was the 12th email/SMS for this extension. At 08:30 I sent an email to Mr Aaron M. and the local councillors … Continue reading
First Apology Received
Today I received an apology from the windows installer and a confirmation about their mistakes. So Mr P.M., BRICS Contractor Manager from GAB Robins Ltd, was wrong when he stated that the windows had been installed in a professional style! But let’s … Continue reading
Accommodation Nightmares
Yesterday I was told that the accommodation has been extended until the 03rd March 2014. However, today GAB Robins Ltd told me that it is extended only for a few days! As for the rest of the works? A mystery … Continue reading
Waiting for Authorisation
A lot of calls today regarding the extension to our accommodation arrangements. CountryWide does not know anything but Loss Adjuster has approved it. Someone from GabRobins promised to call CountryWide with the authorisation code but this has not happened yet … Continue reading
New Room, New Troubles
Today I requested to transfer our rooms as per our agreement with the management of the Premier Inn. They transfer my room and I realise that sometimes you have to be lucky. I wasn’t. The room was more noisy and … Continue reading
Accommodation Extended
After a few phone calls to CountryWide and Mr Adrian M., from GAB Robins Ltd, I managed to arrange the extension to our stay in the Premier Inn hotel in County Hall. We will be there at least until the … Continue reading
Premier Inn Review
Today is the second day without internet facilities even if we paid for the privilege. For that reason I complained to the technical team that is dealing with the wi-fi on the hotel. Apparently one of their servers was down … Continue reading