More Emails, No Answers

At 08:15 I sent an email to Mr Adrian M., Loss of Adjuster from GAB Robins Ltd, about the accommodation.

At 08:16 I sent an email to Mr P.M., BRICS Contractor Manager from GAB Robins Ltd regarding the works.

At 08:17 I sent another email to Mr Adrian M., Loss Adjuster from GAB Robins Ltd, about the expenses.

At 11:43 I sent another email to Financial Ombudsman Service requesting information.

At 12:02 we received an email from Mr Aaron M. from the Camden Council regarding the Zurich contract with the council.

At 14:01 I sent another email to Mr P.M., BRICS Contractor Manager from GAB Robins Ltd regarding the works.

At 14:20 I sent another email to Mr Adrian M., Loss Adjuster from GAB Robins Ltd, about the accommodation.

At 14:23 I received a phone call from Mr Adrian M., Loss Adjuster from GAB Robins Ltd. He will deal with the accommodation, he will check the expenses and ask Mr P.M. for any updates.

Mr Adrian M. has already arranged for Mr Ricky to check if the flat is dry and he is now waiting from Mr Ricky to provide an update.

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