In our yesterday’s post, Ms Sylvie H., Business Support Officer, for the Freedom of information department, told us that ONLY 5 councils have renewed the contract and that there was ONLY 1 complaint.
However, Mr Mike Edmunds., Head of Leaseholders Services sent us the following information stating 7 boroughs and a few complaints.
Please pay attention to the bold statements.
“Your concerns over the insurance contract renewal have been passed on to me by Cllr Fulbrook. I’m sorry you have had problems getting your repairs carried out and are unhappy with the service provided by Zurich.
Camden is in a 5 year contract with Zurich and the first year completed on 31.03.14. In order to get value for money the authority has tendered this contract and we have joined up with 7 other London Boroughs. Large portfolio insurance contracts are not generally renewed at the end of the year. We are also required to carry out a consultation process if we change supplier, which can take up to 3 months and is subject to certain tendering rules which are laid down by European union directives.
What this means is that we cannot change your individual insurance as our policy covers all properties and you benefit from a lower premium. Clearly if there was continued poor performance from Zurich we would consider changing to another insurer but at present we have had very few complaints. I appreciate that you have not had a good experience with Zurich’s contractors. Camden’s insurance team are investigating the issues related to your complaints and will be writing directly to you. I will be monitoring the level of complaints and we will keep the position under review.
Mike Edmunds
Head of Leaseholders Services”
So either Ms Sylvie H., Business Support Officer, for the Freedom of information department, lied or Mr Mike E.