Today, Mr Paul E C., informed us that:
With regard the comments made by Phil M. reference the electrical installation: these were comments* relayed directly from the suppliers (P D Hedges Ltd) and, my understanding is that the situation has subsequently been addressed.
I have replied with the following message:
From your email I understand that P D Hedges Ltd had lied to Mr Phil M who passed the messages to me. Also P D Hedges was the company that had provided me with the wrong/inaccurate certificates. It was also the company that didn’t install the bonding in the first place which had as a result for me to loose money.
While I understand that the problems have been addressed, I do not understand why your contractors had to lie to me and why I had to suffer for so long. What will you do about this issue?
1) On 7th June 2014 the bonding between the GAS and circuit board as well as the mains water and the circuit board were not installed. PGS Services Ltd had reported that in the presence of Mr Kenny W., Capital Services Ltd.
2) Then M r Phil M., BRICS Contractor Manager, stated in his email dated 18-12-2013 that: ” Bonding was not required… “.
3) Now Mr English now states that “earth bonding is requirement…” but he does not mentions the gas or mains water bonding requirement.
According to PGS Services Ltd the bonding between GAS and circuit board as well as mains water and the circuit board is necessity. If that is the case why Mr Phil M. lied to me repeatedly?