Dryness Checks

Today I was informed from Mr Nick H, from GAB Robins that: “We are not aware of any agreement that any form of humidity readings would be recorded before the DPM was laid, or of any report that would be compiled detailing these. ”

On the 05th March 2014, Mr Nick H., on his email to me  he stated: “… the floor to be inspected for dryness and suitability on Friday 14th March 2014 for it to then receive the new DPM & latex.”

On the 07th March 2014 at 10:44 I had stated: “… extra dryness check might be necessary after the Stopgap 300 has dried and is ready in order to make sure that there is no humidity or condensation on the flat”

So the obvious questions are:

  • Have the above checks taken place?
  • Can I have the reports or proofs that show that those checks have been done?

Verbal assurances would be very hard to believe especially after the latest lies from the contractors.

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