Yesterday I was lectured by the insurance about my policy and the Terms and Conditions of my building insurance contract. However, today nobody from GAB Robins Ltd or the Zurich Insurance has replied to me regarding the stolen lock box which had my home keys inside even if I have sent numerous emails, voice messages and calls.
Obviously they do not look keen to progress with the claim as fast as Mr Gary D. implied yesterday. It seems that they are now trying to avoid any responsibility for their mistakes.
At 04:56, we sent an email to Mr Nick H., Building Services Technical Director from GAB Robins Ltd. On that email we stated:
It is 04:00am and since I cannot sleep because my property is vulnerable and the police is investigating the theft of the lockbox as well as the lost of my property’s keys, could you please provide me with the answers to [previous] email?
I will arrange for the lock to be changed tomorrow. I will also have to speak with the police in order to answer any questions that they might have, since we are not sure if anything is missing form the property. …
I will also expect you to provide us with your contact details so I can pass them to the police in case they need to ask any questions about the lockbox and your responsibility as a contractor.
Looking forward to hear from you, hopefully in the morning…
If the answers are not forthcoming and I do not receive a detailed schedule of works then the matter will be sent to the financial regulator for insurances in order for them to judge what jobs have to be done and when. This decision will be taken after I wait for a reasonable time for your answers.
At 05:02, we sent an email to Ms Sarah J., Complaints Executive, Customer Relations (Property) stating:
04:00am: In your email you mentioned that somebody else will answer the rest of the questions. Who will respond to the other questions on my emails and when?
At 05:07, we sent an email to Mr Adrian M., Loss Adjuster, form GAB Robins Ltd regarding the loss of earnings that are covered under my policy.
At 11:50, my call to Mr Adrian M., Loss Adjuster, form GAB Robins Ltd was not answered.
At 12:11, we sent an email to Ms Sarah J., Complaints Executive, Customer Relations (Property) requesting an update to our earlier email.
At 12:58, my call to Mr Adrian M., was answered but my phone number was hidden this time! I mentioned the theft and the fact that we need to change the lock on the main entrance door. He agreed and I will arrange for someone to change the lock after work.
Mr Adrian M., was not aware about the theft or who might has removed the box.
At 14:45 we did not have any updates or information from the insurance. Probably they will reply at 16:59 so nobody can call them back to clarify things. Who delay the works now?
At 15:54 Locksmith firm confirms the appointment for today at 18:30 to change the locks.