This email was sent today to Zurich Insurance Plc and GAB Robins Ltd:
Further to my earlier communication (emails, sms, voicemails, etc) after the disappearance/theft of the Lock box outside my flat (07-04-2014), I would like to express my frustration with GAB Robins Ltd and Zurich Municipal Plc for not replying to my emails concerning the incident and for wasting money, my time as well as police time and resources.
While both the insurance and your contractors knew about the keys and the lock box, you did not spent 1 min to reply to my emails or police requests for 5 days. Instead, Mr Adrian Meek agreed on Tuesday 08th April 2014 for me to had the locks change as a security precaution and he agreed to pay the cost for that work (£212.99).
This was waste of money and time because you had the keys and the lock box!
I would expect one of you to call the police (Ref: CAD10688070414) and apologise for wasting their time. In the meantime I will try to cancel the appointment scheduled for this evening at 21:00 with the police at my property.
I hope it is clear now how badly managed the whole project is.
It is obvious who wastes money, time and delays the works unnecessarily !
At 10:10 I spoke with Mr Gary D. from Zurich and he admitted that the insurance did not act properly on this matter and he apologised.